It is a lactic acid bacteria beverage manufactured and sold by the Yakult Honsha Company, Limited in Japan, and is sold in 39 countries and regions in addition to Japan.
65 ml of pale yellow liquid is contained in a plastic container, and it is said that 20 billion live lactic acid bacteria are contained in this. The taste is sweet and sour, similar to yogurt. Some people take it every day for their health.
What is Yakult and can I drink it ?
Materials of Yakult
Invert sugar, sugar, skim milk powder
Gluten-free | Low-gluten | Wheat-free | Low FODMAPs | |
with Daily |
Food supermarket | Convenience store | Drug store |
Contains 2 billion live Lactobacillus casei
There are various products in Yakult, but here we will introduce the most common product called “New Yakult” that can be purchased at food supermarkets and convenience stores.
Lactic acid bacteria drinks are beverages that contain a lot of the same bacteria as the lactic acid bacteria in the human intestine. Lactobacillus beverages are sold by multiple companies in Japan, but Yakult is characterized by using a strain called Lactobacillus casei YIT 9029. It is said that when Yakult is drunk, this bacteria reaches the intestines alive and improves the intestinal environment. In Japan, Yakult is licensed by the national government as a “food for specified health use” that contains health functional ingredients that affect physiological functions.
“New Yakult” contains 20 billion strains in 65 ml each. These strains improves the intestinal environment by increasing the number of good bacteria and reducing the number of bad bacteria in the intestine.
The name Yakult is said to have been derived from the Esperanto word “Jahurto”, which means yogurt.
Try to drink Yakult !
How much ?
$ 2 for 5 bottles
Where can I get Yakult ?
Food supermarkets and convenience stores
Precautions when drinking Yakult
Anyone can drink with confidence, except for those with milk allergies.
Japanese writer’s comment for Yakult
There are many lactic acid bacteria beverages similar to Yakult. The lactic acid bacteria contained is the same as Yakult, Lactobacillus casei, but the strain seems to be different.
The taste and smell are almost the same as those of other companies’ lactic acid bacteria beverages.
People who drink lactic acid bacteria beverages aim to improve the intestinal environment, but there are no studies on whether there was a difference between drinking Yakult and other lactic acid bacteria drinks. The rest is just a matter of taste.